Raising the next generation is no easy feat.

We spend so much of our time preparing ourselves for life skills and careers, however we often overlook the most important job: parenting.

Losing patience? Bedtime battles? Power struggles? Major meltdowns? With the right tools and mindset, parenting can feel empowering and joyful, even in the challenging moments.

My goal is to offer modern, research-based tools that help you successfully navigate the complexities of parenthood. 

We all need someone in our corner. So, I’m here for you. Let’s do this together!


With a collection of short webinars, online courses and workshop there is certainly something to help you!

Our courses open and close throughout the year to ensure every student has the best experience possible.

Sign up for the email list to be notified when a new course is launching or a preexisting course is opening!

Private Parenting Coaching

Phone consults are for caregivers who would like to troubleshoot a specific and direct question pertaining to mindful and positive parenting. This option is for you if you want to collaborate and learn best through talking and processing with someone else. The ability to ask questions in real time is available through phone consults.


This option is for parents who want to improve ONE tough part of parenting. The question needs to be specific so I can help you fine tune strategies.

Digital Resources

From morning chore charts to nighttime routine builders and brain stretches, my online shop has a ton of different resources to choose from!

Not seeing something?

Send me an email and we will add it to our list of resources to create!

Hi, I’m Kirsten!

I built this community for YOU.

Because I was you. I was the mom frantically searching Google for answers at midnight. I was the mom embarrassed by her child’s tantrums in the Target aisles.

The mother that had 10 years of education and training in early childhood development under her belt but STILL felt like parenting brought more frustrations and worries than joys.

Therefore, Mindful Motherhood Blog was created from a passion – a passion for parents to feel confident and knowledgable in how young children learn. A passion to raise children who become thriving adults because of the thoughtful and intentional parenting they received during their most critical times of development. 

Mindful parenting isn’t about being a perfect parent, but an intentional one. Come hang out with me on this journey, I promise it will lighten your load. Welcome to the Mindful Motherhood Workshops.